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A Minute For Me: Learning to Savor Sixty Seconds


Author: Megan McDonough
ISBN: 978-193587409-6

The high price for trying to get everything done can be letting yourself become undone. A busy life is an easy place to lose you. Everyone always says, “you must take time for yourself,” but how is that possible when the demands of parenting or a high-pressure job are immediate and overwhelming? Yet you know that to be able to take the best care of anyone else, you must take care of yourself, first!

The greatest gift you can give your family is the gift of your own attention, discovering from within what is true and authentic. For this self-discovery, exotic travel is optional; inquiry is mandatory. A Minute for Me helps you learn to live life’s moments to their fullest and provide you with a method to take time for yourself while still balancing your obligations. It is a skill that will last you a lifetime.

This inspiring collection of essays and sixty-second exercises by award-winning author Megan McDonough, is about carving out one minute, a mere sixty seconds in even the busiest day, to slow down just long enough to pay attention to what's going on inside you and focusing yourself just long enough before you move on to the next task. You can think about the past, plan for the future, but the only time you experience life is right here, right now—in this very moment. You and your family are worth it.

A Minute For Me rests on the lessons that this yoga-teaching mom has distilled from more than twenty years of sales and marketing leadership in the largest healthcare companies on the globe, entrepreneurial success as a health and wellness consultant, trainer and writer, and as a committed practitioner of mindful living.

A Minute for Me gives you the tools that encourage inquiry, including:

  • Personal short stories to motivate your own exploration and inquiry
  • Simple 60-second exercises to build your “self-awareness” muscle
  • Ideas for generating new perspectives that can easily fit your day without changing your schedule or adding another item on your to-do list

You can think about the past, plan for the future, but the only time you experience life is right here, right now–in this very moment. A Minute for Me helps you live this moment to its fullest. Maybe that is the ultimate exotic travel—the exploration of your own heart.


Embracing the moment can provide much important clarity for the world. A Minute for Me: Learning to Savor Sixty Seconds is an inspirational read from Megan McDonough as she advises readers to take a bit of time from their lives, embrace it, and gain a more complete understanding of their lives challenges, appreciating what they have, and pushing forward on the right way. A Minute for Me is an inspirational and much recommended read for self-help and inspirational collections.”

Midwest Book Review

Many of us have grand designs and schemes for our spiritual practice: thirty minutes of meditation a day, an hour and a half of yoga practice three times a week, enlightenment by the time we’re fifty. The truth is, we live in a busy world. We often just end up feeling oppressed by our big plans. What about the radical idea of small, regular moments – a minute! – of awareness, of settling, of quiet, of “coming home.” Turns out that the cumulative power of these small moments can change our lives. Megan McDonough’s book is a friendly, accessible, beautifully written and wise guide for this kind of practice. I highly recommend it.

— Stephen Cope, Director, Kripalu Institute for Extraordinary Living and author, The Wisdom of Yoga: A Seeker’s Guide to Extraordinary Living

“This book is AMAZING . . . life changing really. First, the author has organized the book that you can get through each chapter and lesson in a minute. LITERALLY. BEST book for moms because you can make the time for a minute, whether you are on the potty (you know that is one of the only times you read!) or just before bed, a minute can be achieved. The book is by a mom who shares her personal short stories that will help you on your quest of looking inside yourself and then at the end of the short story she has 60 second exercises to build self-awareness. I highly recommend this book!”

Surviving Motherhood

A Minute for Me reminds us of the truths we all know but are too busy to apply in our lives. Each story, easily read within a minute, holds age-old wisdom disguised in daily life events. This is a book I can pick up anytime and open to just the right story I need for that day.

Vandita Kate Marchesiello, Manager, Kripalu Yoga Teachers Association

“This is seriously, seriously a great book—especially for moms. Especially for moms that we all tend to be like: busy over-achievers. It is down to earth and well-written. . . . . There are so many things I could quote from this book that resonated with me. Needless to say, I love the book and I think you will, too.”

Chronicles of a Babywise Mom

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