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Peak of the Devil: 100 Questions (and answers) about Peak Oil


Author: Chip Haynes
ISBN: 978-0-9818720-3-2

Peak what? Peak oil. It’s a harsh, unpleasant subject that few people want to think about, if they know what it is. However, with the Gulf of Mexico oil spill several years ago, there is little doubt that most people will want to know something. After peak oil, almost everything we know, the life we know, will change. There’s a chance that one hundred years from now will look like one hundred years ago, if we are very, very lucky. So why in the world are we introducing a book that seems to make light of the end of the world as we know it?

Although virtually every aspect of our lives will change in the years to come, we have, almost universally, managed to keep our heads in the sand about this one. The few brave people that have tried to tell the world what might be coming have frequently been painted as fools and kooks, or worse . . . doomsluts. You want to laugh? Then let’s have a really good laugh because it’s NOT the end of the world, only the end of the world we know. If we lose our sense of humor, then that’s the end of the world.

Despite the dark vastness of the subject, or maybe because of it, we are all in this together. Our knowledge (or anyone else’s lack of knowledge) does not grant us immunity from the proceedings. We’re all in the same boat. We may as well row over the falls with a smile, all laughing together.

And remember, ignorance is not really bliss; it’s just ignorance. Some of the 100 Questions about Peak Oil this book will answer:

1. What’s this peak oil thing you keep jabbering on about?
2. Well, whose fault is that?
3. Can we blame M. K. Hubbert? (who?)
4. Why should I care?
5. But everything looks great right now, doesn’t it?
6. How big is this, anyway?
98. How will I know what’s really happening?
99. What’s the best we can hope for?
100. It’s going to end up alright, isn’t it?


. . . .Haynes anticipates the kind of questioning process the average person goes through when confronted with peak oil, deftly handling the response for an “average” audience. It’s no Long Emergency or Peak Everything, but it just may be the bridge book that gets them to dig even deeper and take action in their own lives. The book includes a nice resource guide to websites and further reading in the back. . . .”

— Lindsay Curren, Transition Voice

Peak of the Devil should be in every public library and recreation centre. It’s a great introduction to the topic. . . .there is much genius within the pages, a great deal of perceptive and subtle thinking.”

— Matthew Wild, Energy Bulletin

“Funny, informative and way scary!”

— Ed Begley, Jr., Actor and Activist

“Chip Haynes answers 100 of the most significant questions about peak oil with an educated and quirky sense of humor, making a harsh, unpleasant subject a little easier to understand.”

Independent Publisher

“Peak Oil is here and you have questions. What can I do? How do I prepare? What do I tell the dog? Chip Haynes has answers in the most apparent and engaging resource on the topic I have found. With it you will understand Peak Oil and the consequences of a very real phenomenon.”

— Eric Miller, Editor and Publisher,

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